Injury Recovery & Surgery Alternative

Going beyond the standard practice; at Relevate we take a detailed yet global approach to helping you achieve your fullest recovery and beyond!

Surgery is not always necessary and when the area of concern is addressed with a global approach much more is gained than just pain free body.  Additionally , surgeries that are necessary will be more successful and yield a faster recovery when the misalignments caused by the injury and/or what caused the injury are addressed first.

Painful issues such as plantar fasciitis, sciatic pain, pirirformis syndrome, shoulder pain, rotator cuff injuries, neck pain, knee pain, back pain etc. are often symptoms of a larger problem. Pain usually arises after multiple muscular imbalances and body misalignments have occurred and now the result is a specific area of discomfort.

Fortunately, the body is resilient! Using a fusion of recovery techniques such as kinesiology taping (if necessary), corrective exercises and muscle therapy techniques to redirect muscle tissue and scar tissue; we are dedicated to your healing.

Additionally, we strive to educate you through this process providing you the tools you may need to maintain your results. Having this knowledge can also help prevent the area of pain from returning.

You might be a candidate for the program if:

  • You have an injury or area of pain that is keeping you from daily movements or physical activities.

  • You have finished physical therapy and still have discomfort, limited range of motion or are not fully recovered and able to workout like you used to.

  • You have radiology reports such as an MRI & X - Rays clearly defining the injury and you would like to avoid surgery

  • You think that surgery might be inevitable for you but you would like to improve the success rate and recovery rate of the surgery by addressing the muscle imbalances that surround the injury.

  • You are currently seeing a physical therapist or massage therapist and would like to begin crossing the bridge into accomplishing your heath and fitness goals with great respects to your injury and its full recovery.


After 30 years of playing tennis my right shoulder suffered an injury. A visit to the orthopedist revealed bone spurs and a torn rotator cuff. The doctor ordered 12 weeks of physical therapy. Following the therapy I had only a 25% improvement in my range of motion. It looked like surgery was inevitable. I Reluctantly scheduled surgery. I had been training with Gabrielle for one year at this point and avoiding any movement involving the shoulder muscles. After discussing my slow progress with Gabrielle, we decided to start slowly with exercises strengthening the muscles surrounding the injured tendon.

My progress with her was so impressive I cancelled the surgery I had scheduled. We continued to exercise 3 times per week. She paid very close attention to my movements, often stopping me to reposition my shoulder and applying pressure to get the proper alignment. Thru Gabrielle’s persistence I now have a full range of motion, something I would have never achieved with the physical therapy clinic prescribed by the doctor. 

Her knowledge of the muscular system in the body is second to none! I am so blessed to call her my trainer. This progression would not have been possible without her.  Thank you Gabrielle.